Few British imports are half as eye-catching as internationally known runway model Isabella Lambourne. She sat down with us to dish about astrology, the power behind her icy blue eyes, and why she’ll always be thankful for her bullies.
Playboy: To start us off, where you from?
Isabella Lambourne: I was born in United Kingdom in Bristol. Sort of near the fields and things like that. But I moved to a small village. I’m a bit of a country bumpkin really. It’s cold and wet but it’s nice. I suppose home will always be home.
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Playboy: What was the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?
Isabella: The first thing I ever dreamt of achieving was becoming a international model. And, in the last 10 years of being in the industry, I’ve definitely managed to achieve that. But I just remember from a really young age that I knew that I wanted all the glitz and glam, flashing lights, and the fast-paced travel of the modeling world. I’m a bit of a daydreamer, really.
Playboy: And now that you have achieved this, what are some of your proudest moments in your career?
Isabella: I think definitely being internationally recognized. Sometimes I sit back and think, “Am I a model?” And sometimes it doesn’t feel like I am. But then I realize that I’ve been on a billboard in Times Square. Like, okay, I’ve made it.
Playboy: What makes you happiest?
Isabella: To be honest, I’m involved with so many amazing things and I’ve had so many amazing opportunities and experiences. I travel the world. But I’m quite happy just kind of sipping a really nice coffee, sitting with a really nice book, listening to something calming.
But I would say I’m probably most happiest when I’m traveling. Meeting new people, seeing new places…just new experiences.
Playboy: What do you want to change about the world?
Isabella: The thing I would want to change is the idea, the belief that everything needs to be done at the right time at the right, pace of your life. I feel like there’s so much pressure on so many people to be a certain way, have a certain job, get married, have children…and that being what life is about.
But I feel like life is just so much more. And I just feel like if people understood the world and how beautiful it was, and the experiences, and moments that are waiting for people, I feel like the world would be a more happier place.
Playboy: Absolutely. What turns you on?
Isabella: Someone who knows what they want in life. That gets up out of bed every morning motivated, ambitious, spontaneous. I love someone that dresses good, looks after themselves. You know, just a man that knows what he wants.
Playboy: What turns you off?
Isabella: Arrogant people that just take no time to get to know people. I have met people in my life that don’t realize who I am, what I do. And they treat me a certain way and then when they realize who I am, who I’m involved with, what I do, the achievements I’ve had. They change.
I mean, I didn’t have a very good school life. I was bullied. And I really wish that people didn’t have those kind of feelings in themselves.
Playboy: Describe your perfect day.
Isabella: My perfect day would probably be waking up, going for a nice long walk along the beach, enjoying a picnic, and just watching the sunset, crawling in the sea, and just being around good company.
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Playboy: To that end, what’s your go-to celebratory meal?
Isabella: I really don’t know if this is just an English thing…but when I go to celebrate, I do just like get something really bad. So maybe a takeout, ice cream, or cake.
Playboy: Speaking of…what’s your go-to chippies order?
Isabella: My God, my chippies order. This is definitely a British thing. And every time I’m in America— because I spend a lot of time in America—no one seems to get it right. But in England, chip shop chips are just the most amazing things. They’re these thick cut, crispy, squishy things, and they must be absolutely drenched in salt and vinegar. And I usually just get battered cod and mushy peas, most definitely.

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Playboy: Love it. What possession do you treasure most?
Isabella: My St. Christopher necklace. I travel a lot, and most of the time, I’m traveling alone. But I always carry my St. Christopher’s necklace. It’s something that I hold dear to my heart. I feel like it protects me wherever I go around the world when I’m alone.
Playboy: What’s your superpower?
Isabella: God, I get told my superpower is my eyes. I have been told so many times that my eyes are this piercing blue. And that I can look into people’s souls and just make anyone do absolutely anything I want them to do.
Playboy Love that. And do you agree with that assesment? Do you agree that your eyes have hypnotic powers?
Isabella: I absolutely agree with them. I’ve been told so many times, and sometimes I’ll catch myself looking in the mirror. And I do feel like there’s something, some sort of energy connection that is so much deeper…They are the eyes that can make the whole world crumble if I really needed.
Playboy: Do you believe in astrology?
Isabella: I absolutely love astrology. I’m so spiritual. I read my zodiac every single day. every day. I believe that, if you’re on a good enough wavelength, frequency, vibration…amazing things can happen. And I swear by it.
Playboy: What’s your catchphrase?
Isabella: “I just want to be living.” Another one I love is “Just go with it.” Because I am such a spontaneous free-spirited globe trotter, I guess.
Playboy: What meme, tweet, or viral video speaks to you?
Isabella: There’s this young kid this on his porch and he sounds like he’s from maybe like Texas or Tennessee. He’s very country. And he sits there and says, “It ain’t all strawberries and jelly beans!” That went viral and he’s just a kid sat on his mom’s porch eating jelly beans. I just love it.
Playboy: What’s a life lesson you’d like to impart to your fans?
Isabella: So, this is a bit of a long story. But when I went into secondary school, I wasn’t as popular. Didn’t have the most branded clothes, the makeup, or the hair the popular girls did. I was a bit of a tomboy. And the girls at my school really didn’t like that. It was hell some days. People taking the mickey out of me. I was heavily bullied, and eventually my mom pulled me out of school.
It was in this transition that I knew I wanted to get into modeling. People would say I was too fat, too spotty…and I just got really bullied for just taking photos.
But it taught me something. That no matter what someone says to you, it’s just their opinion. And opinions are not facts. I’ve always been an advocate of harnessing anything that goes bad in my life, and turn it around into ammunition to try harder. And I’m so proud of myself for never giving up.
At this point, I’m just so thankful for those bullies, because without them, I wouldn’t be shaped into the success I am today.
Isabella Lambourne is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.