Playboy Club creator Drew Catherine is among PLAYBOY’s top-earning creators, and it’s easy to see why: she’s passionate about it! Get to know her better in our Q&A below.
PLAYBOY: Where were you born and what was your experience growing up like?
Drew: I was actually born in small farm kind of town and about an hour and a half outside of Toronto, the bigger city in Ontario. And it was a humble upbringing. I went to a French school, but it was a very small one, about 300 people total.I had a really nice upbringing. I was still in the generation that kind of went outside but was learning technology, which was really great.

So I feel like I got best of both worlds. Kind of like that golden zone. I got to learn French because I was in French grade school and French high school, which I am really appreciative of now. I wasn’t back then. Both my parents have always been supportive of every choice I’ve ever made, which is really nice. They’re very supportive of PLAYBOY.
I will add, as random as it is, I have gone through a transitional phase since I was younger. I was actually very overweight in my teen years. I was 5 foot, 180 lbs and I was diagnosed obese. But my parents were never judgmental. My mom was a trainer and she was always like, “Look, if I’m never going to judge your body. I’m never going to force you to lose weight. It’s your choice, your life.” And that created a really, really good relationship with my body. And then I got older and I looked at my mom and I was like, “Help me lose the weight healthily.” And over the period of two years, she helped me transition into basically how I look now. And it was really nice because I got to do it with my mom. I also got to do in a healthy way which really helped me mentally and helps me nowadays. So that was I guess the non-normal part of my childhood.
PLAYBOY: What’s the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?
Drew: So I wanted to always be a model and an actress, which was ultimately my dream. I was in the modeling industry as a freelancer, but I ended up getting really lucky to work with PLAYBOY in 2017. And this really helped with my career because after coming home from California, I ended up getting into the acting union here in Ontario because of PLAYBOY. So it was a really incredible domino effect. There was a film here looking for PLAYBOY models, I just worked for PLAYBOY…It all worked out. And it’s only snowballed since, which has been a dream.

PLAYBOY: What are your favorite places to travel? And what’s your dream vacation?
Drew: I’m absolutely obsessed with Switzerland. I can’t get enough. And I’m obsessed with Spain. I’d like to move to Spain. Switzerland, it’s a dream. I actually got to go skydiving over the Swiss Alps, which was mindblowing. And I got lucky because I did basically a drive throughout Europe and Switzerland was one of the countries. So, I got to drive through the French side and the German side and experience both. And it was the mountains and the food and the cheese and the people. And I speak French, so the French side’s really easy for me. And I love it. And then Spain, it’s just the food and the people and the weather and the architecture. You can’t get enough. It’s truly addicting.
PLAYBOY: Do you have a comfort book, movie, game, or show you love to go back and watch?
Drew: I’m a little bit of a bookworm. I actually just got a gift from one of my PLAYBOY fans that might pique your interest. Red Rising by Pierce Brown. So I could read this book a million times. I’ve already read it a million times. And I love that a PLAYBOY fan got me this as a birthday gift.
And then, it’s cliche, but I love Disney movies. The older ones. I can watch fall asleep watching it. They’re comforting.
PLAYBOY: What makes you happiest?
Drew: Honestly, I’ve said to even like my current fans, like my VIPs, I’ve never been happier than I am right now. Doing what I’m doing is making me happy because I feel very in control, which is something I didn’t feel before in any other line of work, right? So, it’s nice. I’m my own boss. I create my own hours, but I’m also free to be very creative and have fun.

And this is making me happy. My growth on this site has made me really, really happy. And that’s the truth. I love it because it goes into a lot more than just like what I’m doing on the site. I can give my parents experiences now. It filters down to a lot. I’ve paid debt. My student loans are paid off. When I said to you this has changed my life, I don’t mean lightly. I could actually see myself retiring without having to get married. With the economy. I never pictured buying a house, retiring and having that stability without a partner. Now, because of PLAYBOY I can see that future for myself and I have that plan in place, which is great.
PLAYBOY: What would make you ghost a potential love interest?
Drew: If they wanted me to get off of PLAYBOY. And if he didn’t like cats.
PLAYBOY: What’s one setback that you feel women uniquely face and how do you fight against that?
Drew: Easily, judgement overall. Being a creator that does sexy stuff comes with stigma. Working with PLAYBOY has really helped bring that stigma out or at least make people a little quieter, but no matter what, there’s always going to be judgment. The assumption that you’re easy, the assumption that you’re highly sexual. Those assumptions come immediately. People don’t think we just want to get to know each other a little bit, get to know a guy before all of it. They think we like sex. And I find that is like…let’s just chill a bit. You know what I mean? I’m just a chill human being. Even though I’m a bunny, I’m not an Energizer bunny. I’m a PLAYBOY bunny. They’re different.
PLAYBOY: What are your turn-ons and turn-offs?
Drew: I think being generous. And I don’t mean with time, energy, behavior. I like a man who just wants to love me and doesn’t see that as weakness. And that is getting rarer and rarer. You get so many men who are like, “Wow, you’re so good to her. Wow, you’re too nice to her. She’s going to get a big head.” I love a man who loves to love women.

What turns me off is too much manliness, too much puffing that chest out. Stop taking yourself so serious. Relax. Hang out with me. Take that mask off and be yourself. And that’s what turns me off is I feel like a lot of people today are really scared to be themselves cause there’s so much on social media telling you you’re not cool enough or you’re not funny enough. And we get a lot of people that want to be somebody else instead of just authentically themselves. So it becomes boring and that is a turn-off.
PLAYBOY: What’s your version of a perfect day?
Drew: I would get up and my hair would already be done as soon as I wake up. Skin is already moisturized. I can just roll out of bed. There’s a coffee already ready to go. My cats are right on the foot of my bed looking at me like, “Hi, mom.” Happy as can be. They’re fed. They’re warm. They’re cozy. And then, I go maybe get a little massage, come home, maybe relax with my partner, hang out, eat some unhealthy, awful food together, binge some stupid TV, sci-fi, something, and then hang out all night and just vibe. I love a night in. And it’ll be pouring rain outside with loads of thunder.
Drew Catherine is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.